How Do I Add A Logo And Support Information To My System Properties general Tab
Adding a company logo and support information to the system properties general tab personalises the computer(s) you work on. To add a logo and support information is relatively simple. All you require is two files: 1) OEMINFO.INI and 2) OEMLOGO.BMP. To create these proceed as follows.
1/ Open Windows Notepad or some other text editor and type in the following text:
Manufacturer=(add your manufacturer name here)
Model=(add the PC model details here)
[Support Information]
Line1="For technical Support Contact: (add your text here)"
Line2="Add any other text here"
Line3="Manufacturer Service Department: (add your text here)"
Line4="add any further text here"
Here is an example:
Manufacturer=roboticdegree Computer Guru
[Support Information]
Line1="For technical Support Contact: roboticdegree
Line2="Telephone: xxxxx.xxxxxx"
Please ensure that there is no extra line between [General] and manufacturer. If you leave an extra line your Logo may not display. There should also be no spaces between the = & the ".
2/ Once you have completed this information save the file as OEMINFO.INI
3/ Now create or import a BMP logo using Microsoft Paint or some other graphics application. The logo should be 172 x 100 Pixels for Windows XP (176 x 110 Pixels for Windows 2000) and should have a resolution of 256 colours.
4/ After creating the logo save it as OEMLOGO.BMP
5/ Now Copy both the OEMINFO.INI and OEMLOGO.BMP files to the C:/WINDOWS/System32 directory
6/ Now click Start>Control Panel>System
7/ In the System properties window on the General tab your logo should now be visible.
8/ If you also added Technical Support Information into the OEMINFO.INI file you will also see a Support button. Click on this and you will see the support information.