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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

How do you burn a 760mb iso file into a 700mb cd-r disk

Using MagicISO to open the ISO file that you want to Burn

2. Go to Properties -> Optimize; select the option "The same files are allocated once". Click on OK

3. Save as a new ISO file in different location. It'll be slowe creation, but after you have done, check back the ISO again for its size, you will see it is smaller than before. If t is smaller than 700 MB, burn it directly to the CD. Good luck.

4. Please note that this method will work good with program like office, windows, etc... with many same files in different folders. I have tried from 1 GB downed to 680 MB. SO I hope this will help you.

How to copy a DVD

ThisTutorial is to show you how to copy a Commercial DVD to a standard 4.7DVD RW. The first thing you need to do is get these programs:

Smart ripper
Nero DVD plug-in
WinDVD or Power DVD

The Process

Find space on your Hard drives ready for the ripping, because it willtake up lots of space. I have set up 2 main folders 1 called CDcopy and1 called DVDcopy, in the DVDcopy folder I set up 2 other folders calledAUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS the rest will be explained in this short tutorial.

Install the Nero DVD plug-in

First put the movie you want to copy in your DVD rom.

Start WinDVD/Power DVD to play your movie.

Start Smart ripper, let this detect the protection on the movie afterwhich it will pop up another screen which will show you the vobs andother files to rip, all you need to do is select the destination, the“CDcopy” folder, smart ripper will now do the rest. This will takeabout 10 mins with a good PC set up.

After smart ripper has done his business start DVD2one, get past allthe start and next screens until you get to the main part with sourceand destination. Select the source tab and find the folder “CDcopy”with the files created by smart ripper. Then select the destination taband select the “VIDEO_TS” folder in the “DVDcopy” folder. Then pressnext. This should take about 10 mins depending on the speed of your PC.

Start Nero Express, select “DVD Movie” tab (this will show if the DVDplug-in is installed), select “add file” and go to the “DVDcopy”folder, select both folders “AUDIO_TS” and “VIDEO_TS” then pressfinished. Now press next to go to the burning process screen, put thename of the movie in, and un tick the two boxes under the speedsettings. Then burn. This will now depend on the speed of the DVD RWand the media.

Once this has done you will have a copy of the movie on one DVD.

This does work....and very well.

The folder option in my control panel has been disappeared ! what shoul i do to get it back . i am using xp serv 2 i

Q=the folder option in my control panel has been disappeared ! what shoul i do to get it back ? thank you for your new Blog . i am using xp serv 2 i could not find the customize button .
To get the "Folder Options" button on the Control Panel toolbar--right-click the "Standard Buttons" toolbar--click Customize--under "Available toolbar buttons" -- add it to current...Hope it helps.

For Windows XP:
1. You can download the file from here, double click and add this into your registry:
Download Registry Patch

2. Using NOD32 to scan your computer for virusif the file above is not help. When you go to virus or trojan, then only your antivirus and spyware help you. After you have scanned and deleted all the spyware and virus. Go back to method 1 again.
3. If you are using Windows 2000, then Read here:
That's all I can help.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How to Install Windows Vista-illustrated

While Windows Vista is a completely new operating system, how you install or re-install is not much different to other versions of the Windows operating system. The most important thing is to make sure you have everything to hand before you actually make a start. You certainly don't want to be having to search around for SATA drivers and things like that just after you have started the installation process.

Another important thing to remember is, if you have USB peripherals attached to your PC, i.e., Printer, Webcam, Card Reader, Modem etc, make sure that you disconnect them from the PC prior to installing the operating system. The only USB peripheral you do not need to remove is USB Mouse and Keyboard.

To install Windows Vista, you should have the following:

  • Windows Vista DVD

  • Windows Vista Product Code Number

  • Any relevant drivers; this is not always the case as Windows Vista does have many drivers on the DVD. However, it may be necessary to update the driver that Windows Vista initially installs. be particularly aware of Modem drivers.

  • Make sure that your PC is capable of booting from your CD/DVD-ROM

1/ Switch on your PC

2/ As the system starts to boot quickly insert the Window Vista DVD

3/ If all goes well a black screen should appear with the words ‘Press any key to boot from CD or DVD’. If you find that the PC boots into Windows XP then you probably weren’t quick enough inserting the DVD into the DVD drive. Don’t worry, just let XP load, then click the Start button and select ‘restart’ and go through the procedure again.

4/ After you press Enter or 'any key' Windows will start to load files into memory

fig 1

5/ Depending upon the available physical memory in your PC you will find that it takes a few minutes to initially load the Windows Vista files into your PCs memory.

fig 2

6/ After the main files have finished loading a black screen will appear with a green progress bar.

fig 3

7/ A short time later the progress bar screen will change to a blue screen like the one above.

fig 4

8/ When the language Window appears select, using the drop down menu, the language you need for installation and then press the Next button

fig 5

9/ At the Install screen, click the Install Now button to start the installation of Windows Vista

fig 6

10/ After clicking the Install Now button, you will be asked to wait

fig 7

11/ After a moment or two the product key screen will appear. At this point type in your Windows Vista product key number and then click the Next button

fig 8

12/ The next step is to accept the EULA (End User Licence Agreement). Just click in the box next to the ‘I accept the license terms’ option and press Next

fig 7

13/ You are now asked to choose the type of installation you require. If you are doing a clean install, select Custom. If you are upgrading from another version of Windows, click Upgrade. You should note that, if it is not possible for you to upgrade i.e., you are doing a clean install, the upgrade option will be disabled

fig 8

14/ Having got through the preliminaries you now need to select the drive or partition where you want to install Vista. Once you have selected the drive or partition press the Next button

fig 9

15/ Windows Vista will now start to install. You can instantly see the installation progress as files are copied, expanded and installed.

fig 10

16/ After the files have been installed your PC will need to restart. You can either allow Windows Vista to automatically restart your PC or, alternatively, you can press the Restart Now button on the 'Windows needs to restart to continue screen.'

fig 11

17/ Your system will now restart

fig 12

18/ After restarting you will be asked to wait a moment while Windows prepares to start for the first time. This may take a while.

fig 13

19/ The next screen you should see is a ‘please wait’ screen.

fig 14

20/ After a short period Windows Vista continues to install the installation files. After it finishes your PC will restart again.

Please Note Currently there is no warning of this restart, so don’t worry if the screen goes blank and the PC restarts on its own.

fig 15

21/ After restarting the progress bar appears again before Windows Vista starts asking for user details

fig 16

22/ The first user detail screen asks for your name, password, and picture. Type your user name, followed by your password. You will also need to confirm your user password. After this has been completed you may select a picture of your choice. If you don’t want to change the default picture simply press the Next button. If you want to change the picture, simply highlight the new picture you want and then press the Next button

fig 17

23/ The next screen allows you to choose a name for your computer and also to change the desktop background. Type the name of your computer and then click on a suitable background picture (unless you like the default one) and then press the Next button

fig 20

24/ On the next screen you have the option of selecting how you will deal with updates, firewall etc. It is wise to click the ‘use recommended settings’ option and then press the Next button. You can make changes to the security settings, if you wish, after installation has finished.

fig 21

25/ Now review the date and time settings and make any necessary adjustment. Press Next after completing this screen

fig 22

26/ Finally the 'Thank You' screen appears. The major part of the installation has now been completed. All that is required now is for Windows Vista to check your PCs performance, so to get started, press the Start button

27/ Prior to Windows Vista starting, the operating system first needs to check your system performance

fig 24

28/ As performance tests are being carried out a sequence of around 6 windows like the one above will appear on screen.

fig 25

29/ Each screen gets you nearer to your ultimate aim, the Windows Vista desktop

fig 26

30/ The sequence of these screens may repeat depending upon how quickly they appear.

Fig 13

31/ Almost there

32/ Just a little bit longer.

fig 29

33/ At last! The performance check is finished and Windows Vista is ready to start.

fig 30

34/ Windows Vista is now loading

fig 32

35/ Type in your user password and then press the Arrow button to the right of the password dialogue box to log on to Windows Vista

fig 33

36/ Welcome To Windows Vista

fig 35

37/ Windows Vista is now preparing your desktop. This is the last hurdle.

fig 36

38/ Congratulations you have now arrived at the Windows Vista desktop!

How Do I Add A Logo And Support Information To My System Properties general Tab

Adding a company logo and support information to the system properties general tab personalises the computer(s) you work on. To add a logo and support information is relatively simple. All you require is two files: 1) OEMINFO.INI and 2) OEMLOGO.BMP. To create these proceed as follows.

1/ Open Windows Notepad or some other text editor and type in the following text:


Manufacturer=(add your manufacturer name here)

Model=(add the PC model details here)

[Support Information]

Line1="For technical Support Contact: (add your text here)"

Line2="Add any other text here"

Line3="Manufacturer Service Department: (add your text here)"

Line4="add any further text here"

Here is an example:


Manufacturer=roboticdegree Computer Guru


[Support Information]

Line1="For technical Support Contact: roboticdegree

Line2="Telephone: xxxxx.xxxxxx"

Please ensure that there is no extra line between [General] and manufacturer. If you leave an extra line your Logo may not display. There should also be no spaces between the = & the ".

2/ Once you have completed this information save the file as OEMINFO.INI

3/ Now create or import a BMP logo using Microsoft Paint or some other graphics application. The logo should be 172 x 100 Pixels for Windows XP (176 x 110 Pixels for Windows 2000) and should have a resolution of 256 colours.

4/ After creating the logo save it as OEMLOGO.BMP

5/ Now Copy both the OEMINFO.INI and OEMLOGO.BMP files to the C:/WINDOWS/System32 directory

6/ Now click Start>Control Panel>System

7/ In the System properties window on the General tab your logo should now be visible.

8/ If you also added Technical Support Information into the OEMINFO.INI file you will also see a Support button. Click on this and you will see the support information.

How Do I Install Windows XP-illustrated For Beginner

Installing/Re-installing Windows XP is a relatively straightforward process providing you have everything you need to hand. There is nothing worse than being asked by the operating system set up application for a specific driver and having to hunt a for the relevant floppy or CD. So, to start, you need the following.

  • Windows XP CD

  • Windows XP CD Product Code Number

  • Any relevant drivers - this is not always the case as XP does have many drivers. However, it may be necessary to update the driver that XP initially installs. Be particularly careful with Modem drivers.

  • Make sure that your PC can boot from your CD-ROM

Now to the nitty gritty!

1/ Boot up your pc. During the initial boot cycle insert the Windows XP CD into your CD-ROM

2/ You will see on your screen 'Press any key to boot from CD'

3/ At this stage press either Enter or any other key

4/ Set up will now automatically inspect your computer's hardware configuration

5/ After set up has checked your hardware a blue screen will appear with the words 'Windows set up' in the top left hand corner.

6/ At this stage, should you have a RAID, SCSI or SATA drive, you will have the option of pressing F6 to install the third party drivers for this hardware. If you do not have any of this hardware installed on your pc there is no need to press F6. XP will now start loading files into memory.

7/ After all the files have been loaded into memory the Welcome To Set Up Window appears

8/ To begin installing XP Press Enter

9/ The next screen to appear is the EULA (End user Licence Agreement) Press F8 to accept the licence or ESC if you don't want to accept the licence agreement and want to terminate the install.

10/ After agreeing to the licence agreement set up searches your hard drive for any partitions

11/ The next screen shows all the partitions on your hard drive. You may have just one or several depending upon whether you have created partitions prior to installing Windows XP

12/ You can select the partition you want to install XP on. Once you have selected the partition press Enter

13/ The next window will offer to format the partition for you. If the partition is already formatted the option will be 'leave file format as it is.' If it hasn't been previously formatted then you will have the option to either:

  • Format the partition using the NTFS file system (Quick)

  • Format the partition using the FAT file system (Quick)

  • Format the partition using the NTFS file system

  • Format the partition using the FAT files system

14/ It is recommended that you use the NTFS file system so select 'Format the partition using the NTFS file system'

15/ Set up will now begin to format your hard drive

16/ Once the drive has been formatted windows set up will start copying files to memory

17/ Once the copying has been completed windows initialises your configuration and then proceeds to reboot your machine

18/ Your system will now reboot

19/ On reboot you will again be presented with 'Press any key to boot from CD' On this occasion DO NOT press any key. Leave well alone. Windows will then automatically launch. If you press any key during this process you will start the set up procedure all over again.

20/ You will now see the Windows XP Graphical interface as windows loads

Note If your copy of XP does not include Service Pack 2 the Logo will look slightly different to the one illustrated below in as much as it will display Windows XP Home or Professional. As soon as you upgrade to Service Pack 2 (SP2) the Home/Professional branding will be removed.

21/ At the next screen Windows will begin copying files to your hard drive

22/ As the files are installed on your hard drive you will be asked to select various options. The first to launch is the Regional and Language Options window.

23/ Click the Customise button to select your Country standards, language, etc. Click OK when you are satisfied with your selections

24/ After you have completed that return to the original Regional and language Options window and click the Details button

25/ From here you can set the default keyboard language. Click OK when finished

26/ Now click the Next button

27/ The next window asks for your name and company. Fill this in with the relevant details

28/ After completing the name and company dialogue boxes press Next

29/ Now you are presented with the Product code number screen

30/ Insert your product code numbers in the relevant boxes. Take your time here, as inserting the wrong number, will cause an error.

31/ After inserting the product code number press Next

32/ Your next screen is the Computer and Administrator password screen

33/ XP usually inserts a computer name but you can change it if you want something different.

34/ Next insert the Administrator password (you don't need to do this for XP Home Edition) and then confirm the password in the next dialogue box.

35/ Click Next to continue

36/ If you have a Dial Up Modem installed you will now be asked for the Country and area code information. Fill this in as necessary and press Next. Do Not worry if the Dial Up Modem screen doesn't appear during set-up. Personally I much prefer to set-up the Internet Connection after Windows XP has completed it's installation.

37/ The Date and Time Setting windows now appears.

38/ Select your Time Zone from the drop down time zone list and XP will make the other adjustments

39/ Finally click the Next button

40/ Windows now starts to install the Networking part of the operating system

41/ Assuming you have a Networking Card installed the Networking Settings window will now pop up

42/ The Typical Settings Option should already be selected so simply press the Next button

43/ Unless you are on a Network or Domain you simply need to press the Next button If you are on a Network then click the Yes make this computer a member of the following domain and then click the Next button. You may need to ask your administrator for these details.

44/ Windows will now continue copying files

45/ After a while Windows will finalise the installation. The progress bar will show Completing Installation followed by Installing Start menu icons, registering Components, Saving Settings and, finally, Removing any temporary files used.

46/ After finalisation Windows will again restart your pc

47/ On reboot you will again be presented with 'Press any key to boot from CD' On this occasion DO NOT press any key. Leave well alone. Windows will then automatically launch. If you press any key during this process you will start the set up procedure all over again.

48/ You will now see the Windows Logo screen

49/ Once Windows has loaded it will adjust your monitors resolution. Just click OK to continue

50/ If you are happy with the resolution change press OK again

51/ Windows now needs to apply the computer settings so you need to be a little patience here

52/ The Welcome to Microsoft Windows screen now appears. By clicking the ‘?’ you can get help

53/ Click the Next button to continue

54/ If you are using a copy of Windows XP with Service Pack 2 already integrated the next screen will ask you to enable the Windows Firewall.

55/ The next screen asks you to Activate your copy of Windows XP. You have 30 days in which to activate your copy of Windows so I always select the No option and then activate when I am satisfied everything is working correctly.

56/ After the Activation screen Windows XP asks you How you will connect to the Internet. This and the following screen may only appear if you are using a DSL or Cable modem. Although personally I prefer to set-up the Internet Connection after Windows XP has finally been installed.

57/ After making your connection selection Windows check for Internet Connectivity.

58/ You are now asked Who will use this computer

59/ Insert the Name(s) of the user(s) who will be using the computer and then press Next

60/ After completing the ‘who will use this computer’ section a thank you screen will appear

61/ After a while the Welcome Screen will appear

62/ Finally the Windows XP desktop will appear in all its glory.

63/ Congratulations! You have now successfully installed Windows XP

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