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Monday, July 23, 2007

Want To Talk To Someone Human From Now On?

We’ve all heard them, we’ve all dealt with them, we’re all sick of them…automated phone systems. Press 1 for billing, press 2 for service, press 3 to shoot yourself in the head. Nine times out of ten, the operator can do the same task you need with in a matter of seconds and the automated system is only there to annoy people to the point that they hang up and never call back. There’s even the rising popularity of automated voice recognition systems as well, which are even worse. Finally, someone has come up with a simple answer. is collection of 500 of the larger businesses that you may deal with on a day to day basis. They provide the 800 number, and the process of skipping past all of the automated BS. Be sure to add this do Definitely something that will come in handy.

Check it out:

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