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Monday, July 23, 2007

Windows XP Home and Professional Command Line Commands | Run Line Commands

One big negative of being a desktop specialist can be the daunting task for browsing through multiple directorys and/or shortcuts to find many of the consistently used adminstratives apps, such as Device Manager, Event Viewer or Services. Well, Windows XP does make it much easier for someone to access many of these internal applications by using run line commands.(Start>Run)

Below is a list of all of the integrated Windows XP applications that have the ability to be run from the run line. For example, in order to access the services currently running in Windows, you just go to START>RUN>and type “services.msc”.

All of these commands have the capability of working in both Windows XP Home AND Professional…with a majority having the ability to work in Windows 2000 as well.

Micellaneous executable files used throughout Windows

  1. ACCWIZ.EXE - Accessibility Wizard
  2. BCKGZM.EXE - Backgammon
  3. CALC.EXE - Calculator
  4. CHARMAP.EXE - Character Map
  5. CHKRZM.EXE - Checkers
  6. CLEANMGR.EXE - Disk Space Cleanup Manager
  7. CLICONFG.EXE - SQL Client Configuration Utility
  8. CLIPBRD.EXE - Clipbook Viewer
  9. CLSPACK.EXE - Class Package Export Tool
  10. CMD.EXE - Command Line
  11. CMSTP.EXE - Connection Manager Profile Installer
  12. CONF.EXE - NetMeeting
  13. CONTROL.EXE - Control Panel
  14. DCOMCNFG.EXE - Component Services
  15. DDESHARE.EXE - DDE Share
  16. DIALER.EXE - Phone Dialer
  17. DRWATSON.EXE - Doctor Watson v1.00b
  18. DRWTSN32.EXE - Doctor Watson Settings
  19. DVDPLAY.EXE - DVD Player
  20. DXDIAG.EXE - DirectX Diagnostics
  21. EUDCEDIT.EXE - Private Character Editor
  22. EVENTVWR.EXE - Event Viewer
  23. EXPLORER.EXE - Windows Explorer
  24. FREECELL.EXE - Free Cell
  25. FXSCLNT.EXE - Fax Console
  26. FXSCOVER.EXE - Fax Cover Page Editor
  27. FXSEND.EXE - MS Fax Send Note Utility
  28. HELPCTR.EXE - Help and Support
  29. HRTZZM.EXE - Internet Hearts
  30. HYPERTRM.EXE - HyperTerminal
  31. ICWCONN1.EXE - Internet Connection Wizard
  32. IEXPLORE.EXE - Internet Explorer
  33. IEXPRESS.EXE - IExpress 2.0
  34. INETWIZ.EXE - Setup Your Internet Connection
  35. INSTALL.EXE - User’s Folder
  36. LOGOFF.EXE - System Logoff
  37. MAGNIFY.EXE - Microsoft Magnifier
  38. MIGWIZ.EXE - File and Settings Transfer Wizard
  39. MMC.EXE - Microsoft Management Console
  40. MOBSYNC.EXE - Microsoft Synchronization Manager
  41. MOVIEMK.EXE - Windows Movie Maker
  42. MPLAY32.EXE - Windows Media Player version 5.1
  43. MPLAYER2.EXE - Windows Media Player Version
  44. MSCONFIG.EXE - System Configuration Utility
  45. MSHEARTS.EXE - Hearts
  46. MSIMN.EXE - Outlook Express
  47. MSINFO32.EXE - System Information
  48. MSMSGS.EXE - Windows Messenger
  49. MSN6.EXE - MSN Explorer
  50. MSPAINT.EXE - Paint
  51. MSTSC.EXE - Remote Desktop Connection
  52. NARRATOR.EXE - Microsoft Narrator
  53. NETSETUP.EXE - Network Setup Wizard
  54. NOTEPAD.EXE - Notepad
  55. NSLOOKUP.EXE - NSLookup Application
  56. NTSD.EXE - Symbolic Debugger for Windows 2000
  57. ODBCAD32.EXE - ODBC Data Source Administrator
  58. OSK.EXE - On Screen Keyboard
  59. OSUNINST.EXE - Windows Uninstall Utility
  60. PACKAGER.EXE - Object Packager
  61. PBRUSH.EXE - Paint
  62. PERFMON.EXE - Performance Monitor
  63. PINBALL.EXE - Pinball
  64. PROGMAN.EXE - Program Manager
  65. RASPHONE.EXE - Remote Access Phonebook
  66. REGEDIT.EXE - Registry Editor
  67. REGEDT32.EXE - Registry Editor
  68. RESET.EXE - Resets Session
  69. RSTRUI.EXE - System Restore
  70. RTCSHARE.EXE - RTC Application Sharing
  71. RVSEZM.EXE - Reversi
  72. SFC.EXE - System File Checker
  73. SHRPUBW.EXE - Create Shared Folder
  74. SHUTDOWN.EXE - System Shutdown
  75. SHVLZM.EXE - Spades
  76. SIGVERIF.EXE - File Signature Verification
  77. SNDREC32.EXE - Sound Recorder
  78. SNDVOL32.EXE - Sound Volume
  79. SOL.EXE - Solitaire
  80. SPIDER.EXE - Spider Solitaire
  81. SYNCAPP.EXE - Create A Briefcase
  82. SYSEDIT.EXE - System Configuration Editor
  83. SYSKEY.EXE - SAM Lock Tool
  84. TABLE30.EXE - User’s Folder
  85. TASKMGR.EXE - Task Manager
  86. TELNET.EXE - MS Telnet Client
  87. TOURSTART.EXE - Windows Tour Launcher
  88. TSSHUTDN.EXE - System Shutdown
  89. USERINIT.EXE - My Documents
  90. UTILMAN.EXE - System Utility Manager
  91. VERIFIER.EXE - Driver Verifier Manager
  92. WAB.EXE - Windows Address Book
  93. WABMIG.EXE - Address Book Import Tool
  94. WIAACMGR.EXE - Scanner and Camera Wizard
  95. WINCHAT.EXE - Windows for Workgroups Chat
  96. WINHELP.EXE - Windows Help Engine
  97. WINHLP32.EXE - Help
  98. WINMINE.EXE - Minesweeper
  99. WINNT32.EXE - User’s Folder
  100. WINVER.EXE - Windows Version Information
  101. WMPLAYER.EXE - Windows Media Player
  102. WRITE.EXE - Wordpad
  103. WRITE.EXE - WordPad
  104. WSCRIPT.EXE - Windows Script Host Settings
  105. WUPDMGR.EXE - Windows Update
All of these CPL files are control panel applets that can ran from the run line. These all require the “.CPL” extension when being run.
ACCESS.CPL - Accessibility Options
APPWIZ.CPL - Add or Remove Programs
DESK.CPL - Display Properties
HDWWIZ.CPL - Add Hardware Wizard
INETCPL.CPL - Internet Explorer Properties
INTL.CPL - Regional and Language Options
JOY.CPL - Game Controllers
MAIN.CPL - Mouse Properties
MMSYS.CPL - Sounds and Audio Device Properties
NCPA.CPL - Network Connections
NUSRMGR.CPL - User Accounts
ODBCCP32.CPL - ODBC Data Source Administrator
POWERCFG.CPL - Power Options Properties
SYSDM.CPL - System Properties
TELEPHON.CPL - Phone and Modem Options
TIMEDATE.CPL - Date and Time Properties

All of these have the “.MSC” file extension. Some, but not all require the .MSC to be typed in when running them.
CERTMGR.MSC - Certificates
CIADV.MSC - Indexing Service
COMPMGMT.MSC - Computer Management
DEVMGMT.MSC - Device Manager
DFRG.MSC - Disk Defragmenter
DISKMGMT.MSC - Disk Management
EVENTVWR.MSC - Event Viewer
FSMGMT.MSC - Shared Folders
LUSRMGR.MSC - Local Users and Groups
NTMSMGR.MSC - Removable Storage
NTMSOPRQ.MSC - Removable Storage Operator Requests
PERFMON.MSC - Performance Monitor
WMIMGMT.MSC - Windows Management Infrastructure
Other Run Line Commands
CONTROL USERPASSWORDS2 - Conventional User Account Interface

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